

Ambivilance can look a lot like laziness, to the untrained eye. And there's always that danger of slipping from one to the other...how do you explain to someone seemingly in control of their emotions that you're not too lazy to vacuum, you just don't care enough about the carpet to bother?
I am genetically predispositioned to laziness. I have to remain vigilant because, like most women I know, I am terrified of turning into my mother. Lately though, I could spend six hours on the sofa and not think twice about it. Well, that's not entirely true - I DO think about. The internal dialogue goes something like this:
Jeanine's Reason: you can't just sit here all day. Remember the list you made yesterday? Lots to do - let's get going!
Jeanine's Emotion: I know you're right, I'm just SO tired. I deserve a pajama day.
Reason: there's no reason for you to be tired. You got 9 straight hours of sleep last night. Let's get moving!
Emotion: I know, you're right. Got plenty of sleep, but now that the idea of a pajama day hit me, I can't shake it. What's the point in cleaning up when the kids are just going to trash the place again?
Reason (recognizing the downward spiral): forget cleaning up then - its a really nice day out. Get dressed, put some jackets on the kids, and take them for a walk. The sun is shining! Let's get a move on!
Emotion: you're right, I should do that...but I can't play outside when I have so much work to do in here!
Reason (exasperated): BUT YOU'RE NOT DOING ANY WORK!
Emotion: I know, isn't awful? I'm just so beat - maybe I'll lay here and make another list, then we can reevaluate in an hour?
Reason, exhausted, leaves the room...

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