
Disney on anti-depressants

Ah....the happiest place on earth. no pressure.

Let's make this post useful, and in the form of a list.

Jeanine's Top Ten Tips for Clinically Depressed Mommies at Disney World:

10. Try not to obsess over finding the hidden mickeys. They don't actually exist - its all just a sick joke someone came up with torture those of us who aren't very good at 'i-spy' but can't resist playing anyway.

9. Repeat after me: Waiting is an opportunity to build patience. Waiting is an opportunity to build patience. Waiting is an opportunity to build patience. Now breathe...

8. Nap when your children nap. And make your children nap everyday.

7. Allow the most mentally stable adult in your party to take your kids on the 'Its a Small World' ride. You sit it out. It is not for those of us already teetering on the edge of sanity.

6. Every meal at Disney comes with a desert. Accept this in the beginning, enjoy it during, and do not give it a second thought until you're home unpacking the clothes that no longer fit you.

5. Try not to constantly remind yourself how much the trip is costing so you'd better enjoy every freakin' minute of it starting NOW damn it. It doesn't help.

4. Seek out the calmer areas of each park, and take some solace there from the constant over-stimulation. I suggest: the nature trails in Animal Kingdom, Robinson Caruso's treehouse in Magic Kingdom, Streets of America in Hollywood Studios and in Epcot - the Canada pavilion. That place was practically deserted...

3. Look at the expressions on little kids faces - they really are almost always happy, and it really is kinda contagious.


1. The characters probably aren't actually smiling in those giant stuffed-animal costumes. That alone should make you feel a little bit better.

1 comment:

  1. I could not stop laughing at how true this rang for me. Our last trip to Disney was a true life lesson...I actually threatened to send my son home alone on an airplane while sitting outside the big tree in Animal Kingdom..I remember thinking "This is the happiest place on Earth?" really???


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