

Hmmmm....I guess more than anything this will be a blog about living life as a stay-at-home-Mom (HATE that phrase, btw) who also happens to have (rather than 'suffer from') moderate depression, and is medicated accordingly. Its a niche, I know.
But I can't help but be surprised when I look for kindred spirits in the the great big "out there" and find so few. If you google "Mom Depression" three out of the top four results have to do with the affects on the families - "Mom's depression affects baby's sleep" or "Mom's depression leads to children's misbehavior". Are you kidding me? How about "Mom's Depression leads a generation of women to stumble through their half-lived lives wondering why they don't have the gumption to improve them"? That's the link I'm looking for. That's the link people need.
Not that I have any hope that "people" will benefit or respond. This is, more than anything, a creative outlet for a self-absorbed woman who spends her days focused on others, and must make up for it at night with a glass of wine (or two) and a blog. I have no misconceptions about that.
But - if you've ever lied to your children about bedtime because you knew a half hour more would lead to a meltdown (yours, not theirs), braved a conversation with your 60-year-old, male family doctor about whether or not its normal to crave sleep 14 hours of the day, or faked a quiet, serene voice through gritted teeth when your husband asks why you'd rather stay up till midnight on Facebook then go to bed with him...then you might find something entertaining here. I hope you do. Entertained is, at least, better than ambivalent ;)

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